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View Article
  ¿î¿µÀÚ 2005-11-28 23:17:49 | Hit : 28558 | Vote : 9520
Subject   [ÀÚ·á] Eurasian otters, Lutra lutra, have a dominant mtDNA haplotype from the Iberian Peninsula to Scandinavia.
J Hered. 2004 Sep-Oct;95(5):430-5. Related Articles, Links  

Eurasian otters, Lutra lutra, have a dominant mtDNA haplotype from the Iberian Peninsula to Scandinavia.

Ferrando A, Ponsa M, Marmi J, Domingo-Roura X.

Departament de Biologia Cellular, de Fisiologia i d'Immunologia, Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona, 08193 Cerdanyola del Valles, Spain. ainhoa.ferrando@irta.es

The Eurasian otter, Lutra lutra, has a Palaearctic distribution and has suffered a severe decline throughout Europe during the last century. Previous studies in this and other mustelids have shown reduced levels of variability in mitochondrial DNA, although otter phylogeographic studies were restricted to central-western Europe. In this work we have sequenced 361 bp of the mtDNA control region in 73 individuals from eight countries and added our results to eight sequences available from GenBank and the literature. The range of distribution has been expanded in relation to previous works north towards Scandinavia, east to Russia and Belarus, and south to the Iberian Peninsula. We found a single dominant haplotype in 91.78% of the samples, and six more haplotypes deviating a maximum of two mutations from the dominant haplotype restricted to a single country. Variability was extremely low in western Europe but higher in eastern countries. This, together with the lack of phylogeographical structuring, supports the postglacial recolonization of Europe from a single refugium. The Eurasian otter mtDNA control region has a 220-bp variable minisatellite in Domain III that we sequenced in 29 otters. We found a total of 19 minisatellite haplotypes, but they showed no phylogenetic information.

PMID: 15388770 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
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