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2006-09-13 10:00:51 | Hit : 28949 | Vote : 9931 |
Subject |
[ÀÚ·á] Distinct seasonal habitat selection by annually sedentary mountain hares (Lepus timidus) in the boreal forest of Sweden |
Journal European Journal of Wildlife Research
Publisher Springer Berlin / Heidelberg
ISSN 1612-4642 (Print) 1439-0574 (Online)
Subject Biomedical and Life Sciences
Issue Volume 51, Number 3 / September, 2005
Category Original Paper
DOI 10.1007/s10344-005-0095-y
Pages 163-169
Online Date Tuesday, May 31, 2005
Distinct seasonal habitat selection by annually sedentary mountain hares (Lepus timidus) in the boreal forest of Sweden
Fredrik Dahl1
(1) Department of Animal Ecology, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, 901 83 Umeå, Sweden
Received: 9 December 2004 Accepted: 24 February 2005 Published online: 31 May 2005
Abstract Mountain hares (Lepus timidus) show high site fidelity even though they are non-territorial and sometimes make long excursions to new areas outside their home range. This study investigates how far apart consecutive annual and seasonal home ranges of the same individual are situated, how much they overlap and if habitat preference can explain the observed high site fidelity. The results show that hares usually overlap their previous home range, both between seasons and years, although the seasonal overlap is smaller, indicating that hares show a more pronounced change of areas between seasons than between years. The seasonal habitat selection was very distinct, tracking changing resource availability between seasons, while the annual selection was difficult to interpret as it mixed the seasonal patterns. Consequently, the annual selection seems to be merely an artefact from the more important seasonal selection. I therefore caution that results from habitat selection studies based on annual home ranges that are estimated from animals in seasonally differing environments should be treated with care. It appears that while seasonal home ranges are selected on the basis of resource availability, there is sufficient variation in the strength of this response to suggest that a mountain hares local knowledge of an area could also explain fidelity to their annual home ranges.
Keywords Experience - Fidelity - Home range - Landscape - Resource selection
Fredrik Dahl
Email: fredrik.dahl@szooek.slu.se
Phone: +46-90-7868538
Fax: +46-90-7868162
http://www.springerlink.com/content/u662350335036t25/ |
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